Name Surname: Dr. Gad Nassi
Date and place of Birth: 1937, İstanbul
Date of Aliya: 1970
Deceased: 5.11.2014
Education Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University
Schools attended: Galatasaray Lisesi, Istanbul
Profession: Medical Doctor, Psychiatrist
CV: He began his career as an author and translator for local magazines during his high school studies.
During his university years he worked as director for Shalom, the local Jewish newspaper and also directed the press bureau of the Israeli Consulate in Istanbul.
He was motivated by the desire to awaken the Turkish Jews to their cultural and communal roots.
In 1986, he founded MORIT in Israel; an organization for the preservation and advancement of Turkish Jewry's heritage. As its president, he oganized the “First Intenational Congress on Turkish Jewry” in 1989 in Israel. In December 1990 he organized a commemorative gathering in Tiberias in honor of Dona Gracia Nasi with the collaboration of WIZO and the Municipality of Tiberias. Together with Moshe Shaul, he contributed to the promotion and preservation of the Judeo-Spanish (Ladino) culture and language.
Works, publications
He edited and partly authored the “Jewish Journalism and Printing Houses in the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey”.
He edited and partly authored “En Tierras Ajenas Yo Me Vo Murir”, published first in Istanbul and later in Barcelona in 2005.
He also published numerous articles on the Sabbatean Messianic Movement.
He is among the founders and editors of “El Amaneser”, a Shalom supplement in Judeo-Spanish.
Institutions established, supported MORIT
Outstanding and Permanent contribution /reasons for nomination
His contributions to the awakening and awareness of the Turkish Jewry to their own heritage and to the preservation of the Judeo-Spanish culture and language have been very significant.