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Prof.Shlomo Calderon

Name Surname : Prof. Shomo Calderon

Date and place of Birth : 1943, Izmir

Date of Aliya : 1970

Marital Status : Married, father of four


Prof. Calderon immigrated to Israel in 1970 and made his specialization at the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Dept. of Sheba Medical Center. He went on with his specialization in Miami, USA, for two years. Betwen the years of 1972 to 2000 he attended 14 different seminar and workshops in his domain. He is a member of 12 diferent professional associations. He has been a staff member and lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, School of Dental Medicine, Tel Aviv University and University of Miami JMH. In addition, he was a founder and chairman of the Oral and Maxillofacial Dept. in Beilinson Medical Center during the years 1987- 2011. He has chaired various courses of the Kupat Holim. He has also chaired a similar department in TAU.

He has been awarded twice in his rich professional career.

In addition to the very many professional congresses he attended locally, he has represented Israel in 18 different cities within 15 different countries

Works, publications : Many of his articles have been published in various professional journals in different parts of the world. Prof. Calderon has been the teacher and mentor of several M.S. and Ph.D graduates in the Universities he has taught. He has volunteered in Hadassa Ein Kerem Hospital in the preparationof students for their exams and future careers.

Outstanding and Permanent contribution /reasons for nomination:

Chairing many departments of several universities and institutions in the USA and mainly in Israel, Prof. Calderon has contributed to these institutions, patients and students. He has represented Israel professionally -and successfully- in many different countries.

He has also contributed vastly to his professional field thanks to his many original ideas detailed in his publications.

Interesting facts : He is known for the delicious wines and pickles he produces. He is also a collector of antique pens and likes repairing them.


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